Client: Wollongong City Council
Project Type: Public Art Project
Curation, Project Management, Marketing, Delivery.
Talent: Brooklyn Whelan and Sarah McCloskey
Location: Wollongong Mall
Project Outline:

Wonderwalls® partnered with Wollongong City Council and the Haben to deliver a captivating public art installation located as an entry piece to the Wollongong Mall. This project involved:

  • Artist Selection & Collaboration: We commissioned renowned artists Brooklyn Whelan and Sarah McCloskey to create a site-specific artwork that transformed the Wollongong Mall into an immersive and engaging public space.

  • Concept Development & Design: We worked closely with the artists to develop a unique concept that incorporated innovative lighting and interactive elements.

  • Project Management & Delivery: Our team oversaw all aspects of the project's implementation, including artist liaison, logistics, installation, and ongoing maintenance.

  • Marketing & Promotion: We developed and executed a comprehensive marketing campaign to promote the installation to the local community and attract visitors to the Wollongong Mall.

This project showcased the power of public art to revitalize urban spaces, enhance the visitor experience, and contribute to the cultural vibrancy of the city.